Monday Dec 11, 2023

The Founder’s Cut - Episode 34 - Zoë Levin of Bim Bam Boo

Welcome to another episode of 'The Founder's Cut', where we dive into the stories of innovative entrepreneurs and their journey to success. Today, we're thrilled to have Zoë Levin, the CEO and Founder of Bim Bam Boo, join us. Bim Bam Boo, a trailblazer in sustainable hygiene products, is renowned for its eco-friendly, bamboo-based paper products that are changing the way we think about everyday essentials. In this episode, Zoë shares her inspiring journey, from the initial spark that led to the creation of Bim Bam Boo to the challenges and triumphs she has faced while steering the company towards success. Her innovative approach to sustainability has not only won her accolades but also positioned Bim Bam Boo as a leader in the eco-conscious consumer market. Stay tuned as Zoë delves into the heart of sustainable entrepreneurship, offering valuable insights and stories that are sure to inspire. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply passionate about sustainability, this is one conversation you won't want to miss!



#entrepreneurship #startup #business #invest #founder #adamtheory My name is Adam Choe, and this is my channel. I'm an investor, recovering entrepreneur, former managing director of a startup accelerator, an adjunct professor, a former research fellow, and a curious learner testing the theories of everyday life one theory at a time. This channel is dedicated to talking about all things entrepreneurship, investing, relevant current events, and other random topics that I think could be interesting or helpful to talk about. I'm a first-generation Asian-American, and my family came from South Korea 40+ years ago. Just trying to figure out this game called life one day at a time. Thanks for checking out the channel. If you like the content, like, subscribe, and stick around!

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